Swift actions were implemented by Management after the announcement of Guyana’s index case of corona virus. An emergency meeting was held with key staff to put all measures in place for the safety of staff and customers.

Some of the initial measures were:

  • A rotation system was implemented for approved departments.
  • To enforce social distancing, Managers were task with sending staff off on leave.
  • Ramped up cleaning procedures on a daily basis to supplement our normal cleanliness processes.
  • Increased inventory for cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, masks and gloves.
  • Sinks were installed at Providence Terminal and all the service stations.
  • HSE & PRO continue to disseminate information to staff to reinforce personal hygiene best practices to offset and mitigate the risk of infection.
  • Guidelines were implemented for social distancing at all locations.
  • Employees who are sick or display flu-like symptoms were mandated to stay at home.


As the number of cases in Guyana increased a partial lockdown and curfew system was implemented by the Government. As an essential service provider, Management quickly implemented additional measures to ensure the safety of all employees and business continuity. Additional measures included:

  • Service Stations operational hours are from 6:00Hrs to 17:00Hrs while Terminals operate from 7:00 Hrs to 12:00 Hrs.
  • To provide the necessary support to the Service Stations operations, Head Office operates from 8:00Hrs – 12:00Hrs for Finance, Marketing, and Inventory & Procurement staff.
  • All other employees are working remotely with guidance from their respective Managers.
  • Weekly virtual Exec. Management meetings are conducted to discuss business activity across the company and any other pertinent matters.
  • Temperature Testing. We have also implemented a system where customers who wish to be tested and all staff at all of our locations will be tested upon entering our offices, lube shops and Terminals.

Management has been very proactive during this unprecedented time. The priority focus has been ensuring the health and safety of our employees and customers. The Team is doing whatever it takes to plan for the most likely COVID-19 scenarios and we will continue to modify our procedures in keeping with National guidelines and announcements.